Saturday, December 11, 2010

Lois & Clark: The Proposal

So, in this week’s episode of Smallville, Clark finally asked Lois to marry him and I have to say it was the perfect proposal for them. Lois being late for their date because she was being worker-bee reporter. Clark completely awkward and nervous and getting more nervous by the minute as Lois was pretty much babbling herself out of his plans. You could see the panic in his eyes as she was telling him they just forget the whole date and just go home. Then the perfect save - he pretends to hear a call for help and zooms away - only to call her on a phone booth and have falling white rose petals falling out of the sky. Then, he comes back and gets down on one knee and nervously, proposes. So, frakking adorable. She of course says yes, leaving me crying and the show not even being on for 5 minutes -lol!

Loved the surprise engagement party the gang threw for them too. As Lois pointed out, it was nice to see them together and not having to hide anything from anyone. They both just looked so happy and everyone was so happy for them. I think they all needed some happy to go with all the crazy going on in their world. I can relate, I need some happy with one of my tv couples too. It’s hard out here for those of us that like the crazy complicated ones. Sigh.

The show also continued with the destiny and fate themes for Lois & Clark. There was the letter from Chloe, the speech from Oliver and of course the comparisons between Lois & Clark and Carter & Shiera. I love how the show continues to point out how epic their relationship is and then goes on to make it epic. It’s not just talk - it’s show and tell. Carter saving Lois this week and dying in the process was also epic. He died as he lived a hero - but it’s not over for him. Death is a release that brings him back to his love Shiera through rebirth, and he knows that so he meets death with no fear and he makes Clark promise to never forget he needs Lois in life to be the hero he’s meant to be.

The music for this episode as always was great. One of the things I really liked about it this week though was that there were some fun winks to the fans. When Clark proposes to Lois, there is a slight hint of the theme to Lois & Clark The New Adventures of Superman in the background. Then, later at the engagement party, there’s a hint of the Superman & Lois theme from Superman The Movie. I really appreciate it when this show does stuff like that. You have all that history behind this couple - damn it, you should use it! In a way, Lois & Clark get reborn throughout time just like Hawkman and Shiera.

Overall, the entire episode was really good. I didn’t think they could top last week’s but they managed too. Can’t wait until the show is back from the break!!!

Let’s re-watch that magical proposal, shall we? Play it again, Sam!!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Chuck & Blair: Um, Hell to the NO!!!

Yes, on this week’s Gossip Girl, Chuck & Blair really didn’t have much air time, other than her warning him that Jack won’t be very helpful in saving Bass Industries. So, you’re probably wondering what the heck I’m blogging about. Well, this week Blair did have a lot of scenes with a certain guy from Brooklyn named Daniel Humphrey. Now, while they spent most of their time arguing while on their road trip to help Serena, I did not like the vibe at the end of this week’s episode. Dan & Blair were left as the only ones in town for the holidays – after softening a bit towards each other after their call to arms to help that moron Serena. I would just like to irritate, “Hell to the NO!!” Listen up, Josh Schwartz - there had better not be anything that happens over the break between my Blair and Dan. No way!! They are enemies and they can become frenemies – but that is all! I mean it!!! Do not mess with my Chuck and Blair like that!!! Especially with him! Ick!!!

Deep breath. Count to 10. Okay, end of rant. Lol!

Lois & Clark: “I Can’t Live in a World Where You Don’t Love Me”

I thought before we get tonight’s new episode of Smallville, I should probably talk about last week’s episode – lol! Even though Lois & Clark spent most of the episode in completely different universes – literally – we still got some awesome moments! My favourite scene was probably in the alternate universe, where Clark is a scary Luthor. Our Clark tries to convince alt-Lois that he won’t hurt her. He tries to tell her that he’s from a different universe and tries to convince her that he and the Lois in his world are close. He tells her a lot of really sweet, awesome stuff but my favourite two lines were when he tells her, “You can always tell when I’m lying. You can see straight into my soul, to my heart.” And then he goes on to promise that he won’t let this happen to him and his Lois and tells her, “I can’t live in a world where you don’t love me.” Then he takes off to try to get back to his Lois. Seriously, I’m not going to lie – I might have shed a couple of tears in that scene. I know, I know, I’m a big sap!

Later, when Clark returns to his world, Lois proves she truly can see into his soul, by just looking in his eyes to see that he is her Clark. This is a refreshing change from a lot of the TV shows I watch where the other person often cannot tell the difference between the person they love and their doppelganger. But in this case not a problem – yay!!! Lucky for Clark she was right too; otherwise Oliver would have nailed him with a kryptonite arrow! I also loved their last scene at the hospital with Clark’s apology for what his evil doppelganger did. So cute!

Can’t wait for tonight’s episode!! Alt-Lionel is in town and I’m sure some craziness will ensue!! I’m also hearing rumours there might be a proposal! Seriously, can’t wait!!! Ok, I need to watch alt-universe scene again. It was just so frakking good!

P.S. Gotta love how my “normal” couple spent time dealing with alternate universes and doppelgangers this week! Yep, so very normal –lol!

Damon & Elena: 7 More Weeks of Winter

So, I have a bit of catching up to do here thanks to a nasty computer virus which caused me to be sans computer for a few days. Anyway, over the last two weeks of The Vampire Diaries we haven’t had a lot Damon and & Elena together, but I have enjoyed the little bit we’ve had.

Last week’s episode Sacrifice, the scenes we got were mostly of Damon trying to save Elena in spite of herself. Elena was willing to sacrifice to herself to save the people she loves, but Damon wasn’t having any of that. I loved the bickering between these two in this episode and how Elena would go toe-to-toe with him and the hot steamy looks were very, very nice. I mean seriously how hot was the look they exchanged after she tried to deck him? So hot!! And hot was the look they exchanged while they were arguing in front of the tomb when they discovered Stefan was stuck inside and Elena kept to trying to run in so Damon had to stop her? And how much fun was it to watch the look on Stefan’s face while he was listening to them argue? Hehe. I know, I am evil –lol!

This week’s episode didn’t give us much with Damon and Elena at all – hell it really didn’t give us much of anything – period - but I digress. The scene near the beginning where Damon stopped to check in on Elena was cute. She was so mad at him for teaming up with Bonnie to keep her in the house so she would be safe, and he knew it. I loved how he just jumped on the couch beside her and put his arm behind her. I also love that it didn’t really bother her. It was also cute when she grabbed the pillow from under Jeremy and threw it at Damon as he left to meet Alaric. It seemed like an awfully close family moment to me. Just sayin….

The rest of the episode was really down hill from there. After Damon and Alaric’s tag team against the new werewolf in town didn’t work out (although, it was highly entertaining) – instead of going to check on Elena – he did something completely out of character and listened to Alaric and went home. Huh? Home, really? I’m still not happy with that. It really doesn’t make a lot of sense. Then, after Rose was attacked by the werewolf, she and Damon discussed being friends with benefit while he pines over Elena – which again, not so happy with that. While a ‘forget me frak’ is one thing, friends with benefits is another. Luckily, Rose got some nasty infection from the werewolf bite. That’s what you get for messing with my Dalena, bitch! Lol! Not to worry though, because on the other side of town, Elena’s making deals with Elijah to get Stefan out of though tomb, so they can make out at the end of the episode as well – to just further drive stakes in our Dalena loving hearts. Sigh. Oh well, I’m sure we’ll get some good stuff in the new year, it just sucks that we’re left with a feeling of ‘blah’ while we wait for the show to return in 7 weeks.

I feel the need to end on happier note so here’s the cute stuff from the beginning of this weeks episode. I think I’ve watched this scene 5 times now –lol!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Chuck & Blair: “Just Because We can’t Be Friends Doesn’t Mean We Aren’t.”

So, after a short break we had a new episode this week – and with it a little bit of Chuck and Blair. This week our dynamic duo teamed up in Serena’s time of crisis to be there for her, all the while trying to figure out how to orbit each other with out being a couple. Chuck was trying to keep his distance while fighting the urge to want to be there for Blair to lean on and Blair thought they could just be friends and go on as before without the “benefits”. On the way home from the hospital, Chuck tells Blair that he can’t be friends with her and it’s obvious by looking at him that the reason is it is just too painful for him to be around her right now and not be with her. Then, Blair kisses him on the cheek and says goodnight. Of course, Blair being Blair can’t leave things like that and sends him some pie with a note that says, “Just because we can’t be friends doesn’t mean we aren’t.” The smile on Chuck’s face has he read the note broke my heart. They’ll always be there for each other even if they’re no together.

The way these two are when they’re together really makes me wonder how long this being apart thing will last for them. I mean with only a few scenes they made it pretty clear they still both want to be together they just have to figure out how to be apart first. Well, at least with these two I feel pretty confident they will end up together it’s just a matter of when and how. I wish I was as confident with most of the other couples I root for!