Um, did Smallville just tease me with an engagement ring at the end of this week’s episode “Abandoned”?!!!!! Seriously, as if enough awesome stuff didn’t occur in this episode Clark pulls out an engagement ring out of his pocket after Lois heads out the door?!!! OMG?!!! Total freak out occurring here!!! Breathing… Perhaps I should start at the beginning…
At the beginning of the episode, Lois finds a video tape her mom made for her before she died. She watches it and her mom, (played by Teri Hatcher – fan girl squeal – yay!) tells Lois not to let the hole left in her heart after losing her prevent her from falling in love and being with someone in the future. (Total tearjerker moment!) After reconnecting emotionally with her dead mother after all these years, Lois decides it’s time to help Clark do the same with Jor-El and figures out how to get herself to the Fortress of Solitude. While she appeals to Jor-El to fix things with Clark, he ignores her which pisses Lois off so naturally she lets him know it. This leads to her being suspended in the air –lucky for her, Clark comes to get her down. He wants to leave but Lois appeals to Jor-El again and he shows Clark a message that the real Jor-El and Clark’s mother Lara made before Krypton exploded. (And I cry again –lol!)
After they get back to the farm, Lois pulls out her toothbrush and makes it official that she’s moving in. They go insane and decide to go out on a karaoke date. Before they leave, Lois puts the box of her mother’s stuff away, and finds a note that says, “For Lois, on your wedding day, Mom.” She smiles and hides the note when Clark walks over. He asks if she’s blushing and she says she’s just happy and that they’d better leave know before all the White Snake songs are taken. (Flashback to love potion/red kryptonite infected Lois giving Clark a White Snake mixed tape –lol!) As she heads out the door, Clark pulls out a box and opens it and inside is rather nice looking engagement ring!!! Which brings us back to – Yay, yay, yay, yay!!!
I guess the question now is when will he pop the question? And how will he do it? And will she say yes? And how is this even kosher in Superman myth for them to get engaged so soon? How much do I care? OK, I guess that was more than one question. Lol!
Anyway, I’m not sure if we’re going to get any good Lois and Clark moments next episode, but from the preview it looks like we’re getting some shirtless Aquaman and Green Arrow – so sign me up!!! Plus, Battlestar Galactica’s Colonel Tigh himself, Michael Hogan will be guest starring. Can’t wait!!!
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